Guide – How to participate & recipe template

Welcome to the World Food Festival Blog of ISWI 2021! If you enjoy cooking and want to learn about food from different cultures, this is the right place for you! In this blog you can find new recipe ideas from all over the world and get to know other cultures. Feel free to comment on the recipes or send your own recipes to to share them with everyone on our blog. 

Don’t forget to join our Facebook group where you can post your recipes and find inspiration from others 👉

When sending us your recipe, please use the template below 👇 

Name of your Dish and Country

Your name and (if you want to be tagged on social media) your tag name

Ingredients (if possible the number of servings):


            Amount:           Ingredient:          Comment:

  • 800 g                 potato                 pealed
  • 200 ml               milk                     …
  • …                         …


  1. Wash the potatoes and cut into pieces
  2. Fill pot with water and start boiling
  3. ….


*Please attach pictures or a video of the dish.*

Thanks so much for your participation and your recipe!

By sending us your recipe and pictures/videos you are giving us the right to post them on our website, social media and YouTube. If you want to be named as author please let us know.

Please send your recipe to

You can also download the Recipe template here.