Hello sporty ISWIs,
You don‘t have enough time to do sport?! It is still pandemic and can not go to the gym?! You do not have any equipment for workout?! You are a beginner in doing sport?! You are professional?! You look for a fun, a bit challenging, short and effective sport session during ISWI?!
Then watch the workout videos in ISWI youtube channel!
We provided 4 videos, containing cardio, lower body, upper body, and abs focus exercises. Each video takes 10 min and they are planned in interval of 45 sec active and 15 sec rest. You need no equipment, just your body and some space to do exercises would be enough.
You can also make video of your workout session and send us to impressions@iswi.org with the subject “Sports Event” or share them on social media with #ISWI2021sportsevent !