Date: 28th of May – 6th of June 2021
Venue: Ilmenau, Germany
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ISWI 2021
The “International Student Week in Ilmenau” (ISWI) is a conference for students organised by students. It takes place every alternative year at the campus of Technische Universität Ilmenau.
Over 370 participants from more than 70 different countries took part in the last ISWI in 2019. Due to the current situation ISWI 2021 will be online. Compared to other similar events ISWI is known for its focus on group work, lectures and debates on a certain main topic, to which the conference is dedicated. As main topic the organising committee always tries to find areas of tension that include recent problems and developments in the world.
The main aim of the ISWI is to bring young people from all over the world together and serve as a platform for exchange and getting to know each other as well as for discussion and working out ideas to solve recent problems. The official language of the conference is English.
Each ISWI adresses a different topic. For 2021 we have chosen the topic ‘Climate Change, Environmental Conservation and Sustainability’ with the title and motto: Our Future, Our Responsibility – There is no Plan(et) B

Our Future, Our Responsibility – There is no Plan(et) B
Climate change and global warming are the most pressing and discussed current environmental issues.
Our overall environmental condition is deteriorating in everyday life, but we are not yet concerned enough to saving us from different types of natural calamities and the extinction of several types of animal species. Humans are responsible for polluting the environment and if we have a little bit of concern, it will make us think positively about protecting our environment.
One step could be the identification of human activities that are responsible for environmental damage. What impact do urbanization, immense industrial growth, pollution, and population explosion have? What role do deforestation, carbon emission, and natural resource depletion play?
Many technical solutions can help us to save our planet. But more than anything else, we must learn to respect nature. However, future decisions can be effective in reducing further damage.
How can we play our part in protecting the environment? We invite the group to consciously reflect and discuss current issues and solutions associated with environmental changes.
The people behind ISWI: The association ISWI e.V.
The “Initiative Solidarische Welt Ilmenau e.V.” (ISWI e.V.), established in 1992, is an incorporated society and NGO led by students who organise the projects as volunteers. Its status is that of a non-profit and benevolent organisation. We set ourselves the goal to fight against social inequality, racism and intolerance as well as to promote mutual understanding. To reach this aim, we organise projects that raise awareness to recent problems and offer an open platform to get to know each other, exchange views and work out solutions for these problems. Our main project, the “International Student Week in Ilmenau” (ISWI), takes place every two years since 1993 at the Technische Universität Ilmenau.
If you are interested in more information on ISWI e.V. and its projects, please visit our homepage.